Petro Genius - India's No.1 Cloud Petrol Pump Software for Accounting & Billing
With great power, comes great performance

Power packed Solution

Intelligent Smart

Simple, user friendly and being smartly intelligent in managing all your tasks.

Our smart software solutions are designed to seamlessly adapt to your particular preferences and will automate your business operations to save time and bring efficiency to everything you do. Intelligently smart, feature-rich, customizable, cloud-based software solutions for complete business automation.

Outstanding user experience is the focus of everything we do and every software we build here at Exillien. Whether it is the software UI or ease of use and customizability, our software products are designed to excel at everything and will exceed all your expectations for a flawless user experience.

Another core focus of our software development service is to implement a simplified process to ensure the software is not only easy but also fun to use. Our software products are created to feature user interfaces that are both attractive and interactive. Moreover, the process to use the software is super easy.

Cloud/Online Petrol Pump Management Software for Accounting & Billing

Petro Genius manages complete Accounting Inventory of Petrol Pump/Bunk with full data security. It's a very useful software for petrol pump dealers who are the distributor of SKO as well.

  • Cloud Based Complete Accounting & Inventory management software
  • Data on Fully Secured Dedicated Server
  • Access to Data and Reports Anytime, Anywhere
  • Data Security from Virus Attacks, Power Failures & Hard Disk Failure
  • Personalised Dashboard for Pump Owners/Credit Customers
  • Complete Control of Pump Owner on Sales & Credit Limits
  • Notification to customer on their mobile app
  • Outstanding List on Fingertips of the Pump Owner
  • All GST Reports Available
  • Mobile app for Salesman to do daily credit sales
  • Mobile app for Credit Customers

Salient Features

Salesman & Shift Management

  • Salesman-wise cash management
  • Salesman-wise excess and short cash report
  • Nozzle-wise sales allotment
  • Salesman-wise Sales/Receipt/Outstanding
  • Mobile App for Salesman for billing and receipts
  • Shift wise working
  • Credit Sales Statement:-
    1. Weekly/Monthly statement of Credit Sales
    2. Party-wise/Vehicle-wise Statement
    3. Sales Against Indenting
  • Meter Reading Direct/Salesman-wise
  • Meter Reading - Shift wise
  • Lubricant Sales - Direct/Salesman wise
  • Item Loss entry for HSD/MS and Lubes
  • Evaporation/Handing Loss and Testing
  • Intrest Calculation on Late Receipts
  • SMS on individual sales and statement generation
Petrol Pump Software
software for petrol pump

DIP/Tank Working/Bowser Sales

  • Daily DIP
  • DIP v/s Actual Stock
  • Tank-wise Stock
  • Item-wise DSR Report
  • Tank-wise DSR Report
  • DSR Sales Report
  • Link Bowser to Tank
  • Bowser-wise Sales
  • Bowser-wise Stock
  • Bowser Transaction Report
  • Tank to Bowser Transfer
  • Credit Sales through Bowser

Credit Sales

  • Login for credit customer
  • Mobile app for credit customer
  • Define Credit limit of the customer
  • Credit statement of all vehicles in single Bill/Receipt
  • Sepaparte statement fot separate Vehicle
  • Sales against Indent
  • Indent approval mechanism
Best Petrol Pump Software in India
Software for Petrol Pump


Petro Genius is GST/VAT ready petrol pump software and provides all required reports and calculation as per GST/VAT norms

  • Account Books
  • Ledger Accounts
  • Trial Balance (Ledger wise/Group wise)
  • Trading, Profit & Loss
  • Balance Sheet
  • Age-wise Analysis
  • GST Registers
  • Cash & Bank Account
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Cost Accounting
  • Ledger Report
  • Cash In & Cash Out
  • List of Debtors and Creditors

Stock / Inventory Report

  • Item wise/ Value wise Stock Report
  • Location wise Stock Report
  • Salesman wise Stock Report
  • Item Ledger Report
  • Item Movement Report
  • Calculates Closing stock on As per Purchase Rate/Sale Rate/Last Purchase
Software for Petrol Pump
Petrol Pump Software

Analytical Reports

  • Nozzle wise/ Dispensing unit wise Sales
  • Location wise Sales & Purchase
  • Item wise/ Party wise/ Vehicle wise Sales
  • Month wise Purchase/Sales
  • Salesman wise Day Book
  • Day Book - Consolidated
  • Rate Difference Report
  • Individual Credit sales wise outstanding
  • Credit Sales statement wise outstanding

Graphical Reports

  • Month wise Sales/ Purchase
  • Month wise Stock
  • Cash Flow
  • Daily Cash and Credit Sales
  • Sales Comparison Previous and Current Month
  • Year wise/ Month wise Comparison
Petrol Pump Software

Everything You Need,
Fits in your pocket

With Mobile Application

Petro Genius (Cloud Petrol Pump Software) enables the user to manage their petrol pump business operations through web based application and access data & reports anytime anywhere.

Download Petrogenius application on IOS and Android available for both customers and dealers.

Increase your business potential
with a powerful solution

top class features

Safe, Secure and Reliable

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