Transport Genius -Cloud/Online Fleet/Logistics/Transport Software|+91-9119121121
With great power, comes great performance

Power packed Solution

Intelligent Smart

Simple, user friendly and being smartly intelligent in managing all your tasks.

Our smart software solutions are designed to seamlessly adapt to your particular preferences and will automate your business operations to save time and bring efficiency to everything you do. Intelligently smart, feature-rich, customizable, cloud-based software solutions for complete business automation.

Outstanding user experience is the focus of everything we do and every software we build here at Exillien. Whether it is the software UI or ease of use and customizability, our software products are designed to excel at everything and will exceed all your expectations for a flawless user experience.

Another core focus of our software development service is to implement a simplified process to ensure the software is not only easy but also fun to use. Our software products are created to feature user interfaces that are both attractive and interactive. Moreover, the process to use the software is super easy.


Transport Genius

Transport Management is a complete management software for transporters, which enables the user to computerize his business needs. 

  • Considering transportation a very versatile business, Transport Management built is very efficient application to accustom the need of this business.
  • Transport Genius (Transport Management Software) has played an important role in managing each and everything associated with Transport Industry.
  • An operation manager or business owner always looks for the ways to reduce headache or enhance efficiency.
  • Business owners look for the ways to increase their profits without affecting quality of their services.
  • Transport/Fleet/Logistics management software can make it possible to achieve expected profit without affecting quality of services and efficiency


Book management has never been this easier. With Transport Genius complete transport business management software, manage your business accounts like a pro. The software comes integrated with tools and resources to make bilty book management easy and efficient for you. It does so by automating the recording of new sales, purchases, orders and inventory. With better recording of data, you have a more efficient account of your business performance, including sales and order by day/week/month and a better ability to detect and correct errors.


Tyre Management

Besides tracking the health and status of your fleet, it's also important to take good care of the vehicle tyres to ensure there are no unexpected delays in the shipment. Our software takes care of that as well. The software can be used to track the health of the entire vehicle, including tyres, and will alert you when the tyres need a refilling, repair or replacement so as to avoid last-minute delays. At the same time, it can be used to find and book appointments with the nearest tyre repair shop in case your tyres need repairing during a shipment.

Full Load Truck

The Transport Genius software comes prebuilt with the function to track when the truck is fully loaded. The full truck load feature will alert you whether or not the truck is full of load, which helps improve efficiency and enable you to make the best use of the available resources. The software can be used to track the efficiency of your fleet and ensure that each and every vehicle is used up to maximum efficiency so that no resources are wasted or overloaded.



This is one of the essential features of Transport Management software, which allows the owner or manager to keep a live, real-time track of shipments and ensure timely delivery. From scheduling of shipment to dispatch and delivery, the software will track the entire process and send alerts to you and the customer once the shipment is successfully delivered. We have also added the option for delivery feedback to further improve your business's customer experience and attract more engagement

Increase your business potential
with a powerful solution

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